The Moon in your sign and its happy aspects can give you a good feeling of being on top of things, dear Taurus. You have a zest for action today, and you have wonderful personal presence. Your ability to get to the point or your straightforwardness works in your favor.
It should be reasonably easy to find outlets for self-expression, and asserting yourself is natural. From late afternoon, your emotions tend to settle in, and you’re inclined to take some time for comforting or soul-centering activities.
You’re in great shape for attention to small but essential tasks step by step and one by one. This is a good time for being taken seriously and communicating effectively, or for gaining a solid sense of your priorities. Getting organized comes naturally to you now.
Be grateful for how life graces you with a bounty of blessings without much effort on your part. Although hard work is always appreciated, there are many things that you receive through another individual’s generosity, whether you earn those gifts or not.
The idea of a self-made champion is more likely a myth than a reality. There is always someone who makes it possible for a successful person to climb higher. You can be there for others and they can be there for you. Cherish your allies and recognize their worth.
In his last weekend in your communication sector, Mars is on a mission to break through mental and communication barriers.
Even more so with a solar eclipse just 24 hours after Mars leaves, bringing an opportunity for a fresh start and new beginnings.
Where the eclipsing New Moon will provide the opportunity for a fresh start, Mars is charged with bulldozing a path forward, so this can be more effective. This is not a time for ignoring or shrinking away from barriers and instead for confronting them, head on.
Today’s Quote: “I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”
Lucky Numbers: 3, 10, 11, 18, 29, 35
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good