You can enjoy a natural focus on practical matters, work, routines, and getting organized today, dear Taurus. It’s a strong time for observing how others relate to you, and you to them, and the energies of today come as somewhat of a relief after yesterday’s tendency to overthink things.

You may be attracting resources or favorable circumstances right now as others are drawn to you and your quiet confidence.

This is a good time for emotional and spiritual growth, even if the day tends to favor ambitions, goals, and practical affairs with the Moon’s transit emphasizing responsibilities and duty. A stronger sense of purpose and direction is building, and it feels good to look forward to something exciting.

Rules are meant to be followed for a reason. Graciously accepting instruction might be part of what’s required of you at work or when traveling today. In most other areas, you’re free to be as autonomous as you choose and may even be asked to create an itinerary for others to follow.

If it bugs you when someone else is in charge, you’re not about to let it show. You’re as confident outside the spotlight as when you’re in it. Your civility and kindness carry you through the day with dignity and style.

As the Sun and Mercury spend their first weekend in your income sector, they are surrounded by not only support from forces on the job and career fronts, but by a lot of history.

In the Moon’s final hours in your career sector you not only have better access to your professional instincts and imagination but to a wealth of insight, history and experience already banked across the income, work and career fronts. Just 10 days after Mars left your income sector, you should already know what you’re fighting for.

Today’s Quote: “Accept your past without regret, handle your present with confidence and face your future without fear.”

Lucky Numbers: 20, 28, 34, 39, 42, 46

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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