It’s your turn to stand out in the crowd! This is a great day to stop living in the past and, instead, ask yourself what you have learned from the experiences you’ve faced.

That way, you can move into the future and focus on your own needs. Today’s Full Moon in your sign gives you a great boost of courage to express yourself. Treat yourself to a little gift that not only feels special, but also celebrates your uniqueness.

Today’s Full Moon is personal, dear Taurus, as it occurs in your sign. Uranus in your sign is involved, pointing to surprises and unexpected impulses.

This lunation can bring a sudden revelation that can relate to your personal freedoms or attention to a partnership. Your feelings are strong and hard to contain.

If you’ve been working on auto-pilot, you might suddenly wonder why you’ve accepted restrictions and sidelines. Aim to avoid abrupt or rebellious moves, but listen to your emotions today.

In fact, this can mark a time of a significant epiphany. If you’ve been ignoring or burying your feelings, you may not be able to do so any longer you’re getting things into the open.

Still, it’s also a good idea to exercise some self-control as you do since emotions are raw at the moment. Feelings or realizations occurring now can be surprising! Tensions related to restrictions or limits can be strong, but they help push you to make personal changes.

Today’s Full Moon occurs in your sign and connects with unpredictable Uranus, also in your sign. This could create a ‘to-ing and fro-ing’ effect regarding your focus on key relationships and yourself.

But you appear to have a well-deserved spotlight shining upon you. So, welcome praise or adoration that comes your way. Acknowledge how far you’ve come and what you’ve accomplished that you possibly thought you’d never achieve!

Today’s Quote: “I’m the one that’s got to die when it’s time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.”

Lucky Numbers: 12, 14, 20, 32, 37, 40

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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