The day is likely to be busy and happy for the most part, dear Taurus, but there is some tendency to overdo a good thing. You’re craving a break from the routine with the Moon in your solar ninth house encouraging you to explore and discover.

Still, the desire to get things done continues to be compelling, and there can be some tension resulting from these contradictory urges.

You may need to deal with a competitive person or frustrating situation to boot, or there can be truth-stretching occurring now. As divided as you may be feeling about work and play, this is a fine time to think up new ideas and possibilities.

As the Moon in your adventure sector picks up better aspects later today, you are more inclined to let bygones be bygones as you focus your attention on bigger and better things. The trick is to avoid shooting so high that you give up too quickly with Mercury in minor challenging aspects today.

You may often play the strong and silent type, rarely gushing over your feelings unless it’s warranted. Instead, you bring mature focus to emotions and a responsible brand of purpose to your helpfulness.

Your pragmatic approach puts you in the catbird seat when it comes to showing another person that you care today. Drive the carpool, buy the coffee, or field a tough phone call on their behalf.

There are countless practical ways to express what is in your heart. Your authenticity speaks volumes when your actions are on point.

Today’s adventurous lunar vibes will make it a lot easier to embrace the weekend spirit, especially as they themselves are picking up on a sense of change in the air.

With Pluto in his first weekend in direct motion in the same adventurous part of your chart, today’s adventurous lunar vibes are able to amplify a call for a chance to start looking to the future rather than the past.

At the same time, with Mars in his first weekend in your busy work sector, this is a reminder that life can’t be all work and no play.

Today’s Quote: “Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 14, 16, 34, 44, 45

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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