Try as you might, nothing you do goes unnoticed today. Embrace the attention and don’t worry that you can’t fly under the radar right now.
You’re tuned in to the unpredictability of the moment, going along with it and standing behind whatever it is you happen to do or say.
Unique ideas regarding your beliefs could get some airtime, possibly reaching a broad audience. It is best to have your thoughts well defined so you can be ready to discuss them if you are asked to elaborate.
You have unusual and unconventional Uranus in your sign. It’s going to be there for some time to come, too. But its influence could be handy now as you dare to do something differently.
If others want to follow the crowd, then that’s up to them. But you could experience something pleasing by going against a particular norm now. If it feels right, then do it confidently.
You’re in the best shape if you draw on patience today, dear Taurus. You’ll benefit from a step-by-step approach. At times today, you can feel slightly out of sync mentally, making it a good idea to plan ahead of yourself.
Communications can go awry, or you’re easily distracted. Ideally, however, you see things you may have ignored or overlooked.
Aim to build your strength and confidence a theme reinforced by the Moon’s transit of your home and family sector in the first part of the day. As the day advances, there’s some tendency to mistrust.
While a bit of skepticism can be healthy and helpful, a Mercury-Pluto aspect in effect now can push this a little too far as it tends to exaggerate the negative.
Think hard on a matter only if the process excites you and serves you well, and aim to know and respect your limits for best results.
Today’s Quote: “Free up that heart of yours
Make room for new mistakes
Newfound hurts
Newfound wisdom
There are life-changing moments
just waiting for you to make a path,
to move beyond your comfort zone,
new moments,
longing to share the stage with that heart of yours.”
Creativity: Fair
Love: Fair
Business: Good
Lucky Numbers: 1, 4, 6, 15, 20, 32
Daily Compatibility: Cancer