Expectations of others could be off in the first half of the day, dear Taurus, but the day shapes out to be very fine for most things, particularly on an emotional level.

Avoid putting too much of yourself into counting on others which can get you in line for a disappointment early today.

You could be seeing what you want to see in a friend or lover, and while this can feel like a temporary fix to your mood, it won’t serve you well in the long run.

You can be taking great pleasure in your downtime right now, but you are also inclined to want company, and it can be challenging to blend both.

You may need to give up a pleasure in order to attend to someone else’s needs, but the rewards can be significant. There is reliable energy related to home and family matters today, and you could be finding alternative ways of dealing with problem areas that turn out to be highly effective.

You can experience an increased desire to work on home projects or to bond with family now with Ceres direct in your solar fourth house.

Projects or endeavors on the domestic front for which you may have lost some interest or that have stalled can now pick up steam again. A nesting urge is strong and growing.

The month long wind down of your old solar year began five days ago and this is often a time when your energy levels are low and we feel a need to go into hibernation.

It is also a time of year that if you continue to push yourself there is a danger of burnout or getting sick. It is just your body’s way of saying I need time out to recharge my systems.

With the solar year ahead a massive one, with major new beginnings, continue to listen to your body. Though a strong social influence is unlikely to see you become a hermit.

It appears as if everyone is having a wonderful time as they go about their day. But you may be sitting on the sidelines today, feeling as if you are somehow left out of the fun.

It’s tempting to blame someone else for your sense of isolation, but you probably have more to do with it than you wish to admit.

Rather than wallowing in negativity, set your sites on an adventure and invite others to join you. You’ll forget about your previous loneliness once you’re back in the game.

Psychologist William James wrote, “If you can change your mind, you can change your life.”

Lucky Numbers: 18, 25, 36, 37, 45, 46

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Good

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