Even if you don’t think of yourself as much of a student, there is always room to learn something new  to learn something that expands your worldview and gives you a better understanding of the structures that surround you and make up your reality.

Today, look beyond what you know and seek out some topic of interest that has been sitting on the backburner or at the back of your mind for too long. There are rewards to be had if only you look for them.

There’s much emphasis on you receiving what you give in more than one area of your world now. This means it’s in your best interests to be proactive and generous in every way possible. Even if you don’t believe in karmic law, you will undoubtedly be the recipient of others’ kindness and generosity by offering both. This crazy world could use more people like you.

The Venus-Neptune transit today tunes you into the subtle or otherworldly elements of life, dear Taurus, and your understanding of others, yourself, and your purpose skyrockets as a result. The key is to avoid pushing things.

Offering sincere and mindful advice, being a source of comfort, and inspiring others with your insight can figure strongly now. The spirit of friendship dominates.

It’s incredibly satisfying to put others’ needs before yours today. The Moon moves to the top of your solar chart later today, and you pay more attention to your responsibilities and duties or long-term goals.

Today’s Quote: “We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.”

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 8, 9, 16, 17, 40, 42

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

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