How are you feeling about yourself today? Odds are you’re feeling curious about something, but you may not feel ready to put yourself out there.

Your daily routine is clashing with your desire to leave your comfort zone and it’s up to you how you wish to resolve this.

Remind yourself that nothing ventured means nothing gained, and that if you push yourself out of your normal day-to-day activities, you might learn something about yourself that you never knew!

The famed illusionist, Harry Houdini, was happy to escape from handcuffs or straitjackets provided for him.

That confirmed there was no trickery involved with his feats. But he cleverly flexed his muscles in ways that meant cuffs or jackets weren’t fastened as tightly as others thought.

That provided enough flexibility for him to escape. Make use of the flexibility you have in an area of your world now. If you’re clever, you, too, can apply it effectively!

The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Taurus, adding color to your emotional world. With complicated transits influencing mostly the first half of the day, some interactions can be a little delicate.

You may not feel as fully appreciated as you’d like. You could feel you’re not getting what you need from others as your ruler, Venus, opposes Chiron. However, events of the day tend to bring you to a greater understanding of your commitment to self-care.

If you’ve invested too much energy into something that’s not giving back, you’ll feel the need to make changes now. Work or health problems can reach a head, especially if you’ve let some matters slide or avoided issues.

Defer decisions to a later date, if possible, and especially if you are feeling confused or down. Later today, you might enjoy focusing on self-improvement or coming to someone’s aid.

Something structured helps your mood. The need to let go of a method or even a particular project or work goal may become apparent today.

Today’s Quote: “So if you’re going through a tough time right now, just know that it’s happening because it’s teaching you a lesson. The hurt you’re feeling will help you appreciate something amazing in the future. Believe.”

Creativity: Fair

Love: Fair

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 4, 8, 9, 29, 33, 39

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

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