A loved one may contact you today for some help. Though you normally jump at every opportunity to assist your family, make sure you have the bandwidth to help out before saying yes.

They reached out to you because you are reliable, but if you’re already feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to set boundaries for yourself.

There’s no need to turn down someone in need, but only do what you can and don’t feel bad about not being able to do more right now.

In the past, you may have had a seemingly justifiable reason for dismissing something you pinned your hopes on as a ‘non-event’ or failure.

Just as something seemed to be heading in the right direction, it went off on a bizarre, confusing tangent.

But if you’re willing to reopen the lines of communication with someone by asking a particular question, then you could find that what arose was due to a misunderstanding. Try to find the courage to ask that question now.

You might wrestle with some uncertainties today, dear Taurus, and they may be a cue to take a break. If you feel overworked or underappreciated, take care of your affairs or put them on hold until you feel the pleasure of certainty return.

You’re more sensitive than usual to imbalances in your love or social life. Your daily routine, work, or other practical affairs can be tricky to handle if you’re on the fence about a matter.

It’s best not to let a temporary lack of motivation color your choices. Aim to accept that you don’t have all the answers, which can considerably improve your comfort levels.

The day does seem to challenge you to break out of a rut or pattern that prevents growth. Be as mindful as possible, for if you act out without self-awareness, you may be taking risks, overpaying, or jumping into or out of something too quickly.

If you feel overwhelmed, it’s a good idea to start with a small task and then work your way up to bigger ones.

Explore your feelings, but perhaps wait to act on them when there is steadier energy. As the day advances, it becomes far easier to go with the flow and find inspiration.

Today’s Quote: “Forgive the past. It is over. Learn from it and let go. People are constantly changing and growing. Do not cling to a limited, disconnected, negative image of a person in the past. See that person now. Your relationship is always alive and changing.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

Lucky Numbers: 6, 12, 17, 20, 24, 38

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

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