The Full Moon today wants you to look within, dear Taurus. There is extra attention to work, habits, health, and lifestyle changes these days, and it’s a very beneficial focus. However, if you don’t stop to listen to your inner voice or take extra time for rest and reflection, then you’re bound to burn out.

Listen to your instincts to pull back and make changes gently now. There can be tensions today over differences in methods, approaches, and opinions. These matters can disrupt your daily routines, work, or sense of being on top of things.

Helping you gain perspective is a Mercury-Saturn aspect that’s useful for accomplishing something practical, as well as for anything that involves counseling, consultation, or collaboration.

One-on-one communications can be quite successful and productive today if they focus on the practical side of things. Good news on health may arrive now.

Stay open to making changes that contribute to growth and progress. Intimate relationships can open up now, and you might come to a pleasing agreement with a partner.

You may have a valid reason for keeping a project or endeavor under wraps until you’re ready to reveal it. However, you might be nervous or guilt-ridden about holding a plan so close to your chest, especially when others ask questions.

But there’s more happening beneath the surface that’s not quite ready for public scrutiny while the intrepid Aries Full Moon lurks in your 12th House of Hidden Affairs.

Yield to your overprotective feelings now, even if they seem obsessive or silly. The only urgency to speak is in your head. Listen to your intuitive clock when it comes to matters of

Once every four weeks, the Moon returns to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, with an invitation to make time to hear yourself think.

Once a year these nostalgic and reflective lunar vibes get push back from the Sun in the form of a Full Moon and always at the busiest point in any year.

This turns an invitation to make time to hear yourself think into a demand and this is what today’s Full Moon is doing. You don’t have to spend the day navel gazing, but stress levels will rise if you don’t take time out.

Today’s Quote: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

Lucky Numbers: 4, 5, 24, 26, 36, 47

Daily Compatibility: Capricorn

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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