A relative could be a bit severe with you, making you feel a bit defensive or resentful. Today is not the day to resolve your differences. Instead, turn your attention to domestic activities that bring you joy.

Cooking, gardening, and decorating can cultivate peace; it’s possible there’s nothing you love more than creating things of beauty with your own two hands.

As the day winds down, you may be even more strongly convinced that expressing your artistic side is your life’s purpose. Stock up on supplies and get to work on a project that reflects who you truly are.

Misery loves company. If we want to find somebody willing to give their thoughts or opinions on all that’s wrong with their life or anybody else’s, then we don’t have to look hard for such a person.

If somebody determined to adopt a negative or pessimistic attitude has nobody to share it with, then they tend to feel very lonely. Do your best not to be drawn into a climate of negativity now.

A Mercury-Uranus alignment today helps you worry less about problems and tune into potential opportunities, dear Taurus.

It’s an excellent time for generating ideas or for developing a spark of interest in a new topic. Your desire for more independence and spontaneity is strong these days, and today, you want to express yourself freely or get things off your chest.

Your perspective is positive and forward-looking, and the motivation to pursue recent or new interests is strong. You might be coming up with an important new idea or turning over a new leaf on a mental level.

Career news may also be in focus. There can be a learning breakthrough or a satisfying resolution to a problem. The Moon spends the day in your home and family sector, however, and a good part of you wants to settle in and enjoy some quiet.

Today’s Quote: “Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, let us begin.”

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 5, 16, 22, 25, 36, 48

Daily Compatibility: Capricorn

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