You may be reminded how much you are loved and cherished today as your ruling planet, Venus, forms a sweet angle to Neptune in your 11th House of Friendship.

If you catch yourself thinking about somebody throughout the day, give them a call. Or, it’s possible you’ve been preoccupied with memories of a person who has passed on to the spirit world.

When this happens, it’s a sign to do something special in honor of this relationship, like giving financial support to a cause that was dear to this person’s heart.

Yes, you could feel a sense of relief or reassurance at playing it safe or bettering a devil you know in some way. But it’s also likely that any relief or reassurance you feel will be temporary.

Perhaps, in your mind, that’s fine. You may believe it’s best to feel a brief sense of comfort rather than have to deal with uncertainty or trepidation attached to the unknown.

But does something about that not intrigue or thrill you? Try to resist following a path of least resistance for the sake of convenience!

With Venus and Neptune in harmony today, dear Taurus, communicating, connecting, and charming comes naturally. Personal magnetism is high.

You’re drawing in and magnetizing things to you rather than chasing them, and this kind of energy is right up your alley. There could be an emotional or soulful connection to a friend, or you might make peace with someone, and it feels great.

The words don’t have to be perfect today, as warmth and sincerity shine through. Your need for harmony and peace is in the spotlight.

You’re picking up the subtlest of moves and gestures, and enjoying what you discover. You might recognize feelings that you haven’t fully acknowledged in the past. You might enjoy a personal revelation or resource that now comes into view.

Today’s Quote: “Do not set aside your happiness. Do not wait to be happy in the future. The best time to be happy is always now.”

Lucky Numbers: 5, 9, 14, 23, 44, 49

Daily Compatibility: Capricorn

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Good

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