The Moon moves out of your sign and into your solar second house, dear Taurus. The Moon’s stay in Taurus has helped you recognize your needs, but it now feels good that you are in control of your moods rather than at their mercy.

Still, you want to be productive, and you’re quite fortunately very resourceful today. You’re ready to make the most of what you have, but you also desire just a little more.

You could feel a stronger motivation to make or spend money today. A relationship, joy, or creature comfort can be in focus. There can be a good, solid feeling to the day.

Your confidence is strong in your ability to get things done and take good care of yourself and others. Someone might recognize your work ethic or commitment.

You may have iron in the fires of two different job opportunities, and your past experience will serve you well.

Be sure to emphasize your training and knowledge when talking to future employers. Your background will allow you to hit the ground running without much guidance.

After spending the day putting yourself out there, you could be filled with pent-up energy.

Getting in some brisk exercise this evening will help you drift off into a refreshing sleep. Before retiring, put a notebook and pen near the bed, as you might have revelatory dreams.

If somebody is proving difficult to please, then you have options regarding how to handle this.

There could also be right and wrong ways of saying the words, ‘do it yourself, then.’ But maybe that’s what somebody needs you to do.

Perhaps, you could be a bit more flexible and allow them to take the reins briefly. Take the high road and give somebody a chance. Both of you could benefit.

Today’s Quote: “The most successful people recognize, that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation.”

Lucky Numbers: 10, 12, 13, 16, 31, 33

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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