A dissonance in the planets above makes it tough for you to figure out what you should focus on throughout the day. It might seem preferable to pay attention to the work in front of you, and indeed you could make progress in this arena.

However, people may be something of a distraction. If you need to turn your phone on silent in order to get things done, then do so. You can always reply to people later.

Winners, as the old saying goes, never quit, and quitters never win. Such words were probably said to you by a coach or physical education teacher at school.

When we’re part of a team, it can be easier to quash a desire to quit. When we do something solo, that decision appears to affect us only. But will abandoning a plan or pursuit affect others in your world? It’s worth considering.

Today’s Venus-Neptune aspect suggests that it’s best to take your time before drawing conclusions, dear Taurus. Under this transit, wishful thinking tends to cloud what we see.

Since Venus is your ruler, you can be in a state of flux, and others might find you a little evasive when you may only be undecided. If you’re not feeling equipped to make decisions and commitments, waiting for a better time makes sense.

It’s best to check the fine print today! If there isn’t any, avoid lending and spending and do what you can to avoid misunderstandings or loss of valuables.

Today’s energies seem to encourage a bit of fantasy, and some of it can be pleasant, but getting too carried away with ideas is where you might go wrong.

Do what you can to avoid waste, making promises, and misunderstandings with friends. Later today, it feels much easier to see and appreciate reality.

Today’s Quote: “Don’t be afraid to be ‘too’ Too emotional, too childish, too straight-forward, too whatever. There always will be someone who will love you for who you are, who’ll find special enchantment in all your, ‘too’s’ ”

Creativity: Fair

Love: Excellent

Business: Fair

Lucky Numbers: 2, 4, 15, 17, 42, 44

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

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