Tensions can emerge over differences of opinions or methods today, dear Taurus, with Mercury square Pluto. Something communicated can get to you, or words can bite.

If there’ve been problems brewing regarding your workload, they may very well erupt now. Avoid getting caught in power plays which are all too easy with this energy even if sore spots can be revealing.

If you’re all wound up, try to take some of the pressure off, as we’re inclined to make mountains out of molehills today. Alternatively, you might try to harness the energy and apply it to a real problem.

Avoid obsessive thinking as much as possible, and you’ll feel more in sync with your intuition. Try not to go too far with analyses as this can lead you astray.

While work, health, and habits are strong themes in your life, your relationship with any of these things can be complicated today. There may be sidetracking or delays to manage, and you may need to control your reactions to these frustrations.

Your confidence and creativity save the day when a surprise glitch threatens your productivity. Frustration might push you to the edge of a breakdown today, but you can consciously choose to break down a complex problem into smaller chunks and handle the crisis over time.

Collaring the toughest issue first enables you to ride a wave of self-assurance to growth and prosperity.

To have the Moon in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart as Mars moves into his final week here today, is going to put extra juice in the warrior planet’s tank.

Already on a mission to not only fuel your romantic and creative passions but to fight against life becoming all work and no play, the Moon adds to this.

With Mars returning to your busy work sector next week and then not returning to a playful part of your chart until 2021, this is becoming more urgent.

Today’s Quote: “The secret to success is not to try to avoid or get rid of or shrink from your problems; the secret is to grow yourself so that you are bigger than any problems.”

Lucky Numbers: 4, 6, 14, 26, 38, 42

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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