Personal Horoscope
The days to come will be extremely productive. You are at your best, Taurus and people around you are bound to notice the passion that drives you.

While some may look at you as desperate, others will understand that what you are doing is not merely out of self-interest. You care about your contribution to the project that you are busy working on and that is just the right approach.

Health Horoscope
You may time not have enough time to work on your health. But your healthy heart and your healthy mind will prompt you to consume home-cooked good food.

This will be refreshing after a long day at work and you can not help appreciating the little efforts that your family is putting in to keep you happy and make you feel comfortable. Cherish these moments and enjoy the good food!

Profession Horoscope
Everyone knows how much you love your job, Taurus. But overwhelming yourself with excess work will claim your peace. Constant phone calls, meetings, long work hours will leave you exhausted; so much so that you will fall asleep as soon as you lay down.

You will hardly have time for yourself, but will still manage to take care of your health. This is one of the most productive phases and your efforts are definitely going to be rewarded.


Colours of the day: Yellow, Green

Lucky Numbers of the day: 2,6

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: M, J

Cosmic Tip: Keep up the high spirits.

Tips for Singles: It is time to attain new heights in your career.

Tips for Couples: A candle light dinner with your beloved won’t be a bad idea!

Today’s Quote: “If people are doubting how far you can go go so far that you can’t hear them anymore”

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