Your special someone could be working too much, which can cause strain and frustration. Your desire to spend quality time with them could be affected by their extra work hours. Taurus, your own anxieties could affect your self-confidence. It’s possible to wonder if all the tasks you have are being completed. You might consider making a list of all the tasks you have completed and marking each one off.

You’re known for being reasonable and judicious among friends. This month, however, you should not place any judgment on your individual needs. Do not spend time justifying your sleep or trying to figure out the “reason”. In simple terms, the body decides what it needs. You can feel good about your sleep quality and know that you’re growing physically as well as emotionally.

Today’s positive planet alignment could indicate that your relationship needs to be reflected upon. There is a possibility that your mind could drift to a negative state and start to believe that everything is worse than it actually is. Avoid major catastrophes by not making any decisions that are based on your existing conclusions.

“A lot of things are inherent in life -change, birth, death, aging, illness, accidents, calamities, and losses of all kinds- but these events don’t have to be the cause of ongoing suffering. Yes, these events cause grief and sadness, but grief and sadness pass, like everything else, and are replaced with other experiences. The ego, however, clings to negative thoughts and feelings and, as a result, magnifies, intensifies, and sustains those emotions while the ego overlooks the subtle feelings of joy, gratitude, excitement, adventure, love, and peace that come from Essence. If we dwelt on these positive states as much as we generally dwell on our negative thoughts and painful emotions, our lives would be transformed.”

Color of the day: Lavender

Lucky Numbers of the day: 16,18

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with : A

Cosmic Tip: Control your emotions for a better life.

Tips for Singles: You might start dating the one with whom you had fallen in love.

Tips for Couples: You and your partner might find some deeper connection today.

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