Mercury begins its transit of your solar fourth house, dear Taurus, and in the weeks ahead, you’ll be seeking more security and probably succeeding quite well at the task!

There can be a natural and smooth flow of communication with family. Thoughts and conversations often turn to the old days, childhood, home, financial security, domestic pursuits, and personal affairs during this cycle.

You’re in an excellent position to work out of your home or in home-related fields. It’s also a sound period for researching, writing, finding ideas, and talking about domestic and neighborhood concerns.

Later today, there can be a sense that you’re not able to adequately express yourself or do what you want, primarily due to someone’s watchful eyes, or feelings of guilt or insecurity.

Where it concerns money and valuables, you can be on the fence, and it’s better to stay there just for now. Aim to learn from your feelings, as your findings can be precious today.

The hustle and bustle of your world may be quite demanding, especially if you just want to catch your breath and collect your thoughts.

You might not be contending with life-or-death issues today, but you still could welcome sharing what’s on your mind with family members or roommates.

Discussing intimate issues and sensitive secrets with people who know you well can be quite reassuring. Emotional familiarity provides opportunities for real insight and radical growth.

As Mercury, the planet of communication leaves your communication sector today it is not goodbye.

Knowing that by this time next month he will be back for a double dip visit and in retrograde motion for the final 12 days of July, this allows you to keep things open ended.

Yet Mercury leaves you with enough to continue with the talks, conversations and ideas you have already begun and to benefit from the communication barriers breached.

Mercury leaves behind more than enough resources to keep the communication lines open and the ideas flowing.

Today’s Quote: “The most rewarding things you do in life are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.”

Lucky Numbers: 2, 19, 20, 25, 41, 44

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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