Mars forms an awkward angle with Saturn, dear Taurus, and duties feel more limiting as you feel a strong desire to break out and do your own thing.

There can be feelings of uncertainty or guilt about what you want or about what you should do next. You may be inclined to overindulge. Some buried resentments can surface but aim to learn from them rather than allowing them to rule your behavior.

The Moon’s entry into your solar twelfth house today suggests that slowing down is vital for you to catch your breath before a new lunar cycle begins. Taking it easy makes sense now.

Wake up and sense the magic that’s in the air today. It’s imperative to know you can bring the cosmic energy down to earth and make it work for you. When it comes to practicality, there are few that can match your resourcefulness or your ability to stretch a dollar.

Recalibrate these same skills to purposefully harness your intuition. Don’t doubt your good instincts, even though they are often triggered by the invisible and the intangible. Settle into the rhythm of your perceptions. Trust your inner compass to steer you in the right direction.

Mars moves into his final two weeks in your income sector today and knowing he won’t return until 2021, is moving into his most urgent and empowered 14 days.

Knowing that the Sun, Venus and Mercury will eventually follow in his footsteps over the coming months, this frees Mars to focus more on bulldozing his way through barriers and giving you the confidence to fight for what you deserve.

Mars is on a mission to smash through glass ceilings, especially those in your own mind. This isn’t just about the money, but fighting for what you deserve across all the currencies in your life.

Today’s Quote: “When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 7, 8, 9, 38, 41

Daily Compatibility: Capricorn

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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