The stars are pushing you up the cosmic career ladder today, and you’d do well to let them boost you. A job well done could be noticed by a boss or other VIP, and this will translate into a nice raise or a bonus for you, so don’t rest on your laurels.

Even if you’d rather take it easy, this progress won’t require you to break a sweat, and you’ll easily wow others and yourself with how much you can achieve.

Be careful about getting others’ backs up unintentionally now. Your determination or assertiveness could be admired on one level but resented on another.

The fact that you want to make progress on a personal level and in a way that benefits others could be overlooked. Try using more words like ‘we’ and ‘us.’

You have self-discipline on your side today, dear Taurus. Venus in your solar second house harmonizing with Saturn today helps you see your means, resources, and relationships in a realistic light.

You have a little more faith in your understanding of these matters now. Venus is your planetary ruler, and its aspects tend to hold more weight for you.

You’re less interested in immediate gratification and more concerned about what benefits you in the long term today, and, even if it means putting off personal pleasures, you are willing to do so to secure your future.

Instinctively knowing your priorities is part of this, and you’re in perfect shape to enjoy good advice or support from others. There can be traditional and wise information coming your way.

You’re considering your priorities and perhaps relishing the prospect of doing some budgeting or planning ahead.

It can be a time for reducing redundancies or otherwise simplifying your life and feeling better off for it. Or, putting your things in order can have a nice, comforting effect on you now.

Today’s Quote: “Honestly, I don’t need someone who sees the good in me. I need someone who sees the bad and still want’s me.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Excellent

Business: Excellent

Lucky Numbers: 6, 19, 22, 23, 28, 30

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

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