Something you might brace yourself for with the expectation that it will be painfully dull could prove to be otherwise.

You could discover that you’ve only looked at this from a distance previously and never really assessed how helpful or beneficial it could be.

It may also be a learning curve attached to it that inspires you to want to explore it further. Go you!

Career matters could be weighing on your mind today, now that Luna is making a tense square to stern Saturn in your 10th House of Professional Life.

It may seem as though the opportunities you seek have vanished into thin air. While it’s not easy, try not to panic whenever you hear gloomy employment reports; instead, remind yourself that the right opportunity is waiting for you.

Picture yourself as a lighthouse sending out beams to your dream employer. By sending out a steady signal, you’ll draw the job offer you want.

You are people-focused today with the Moon’s move into your opposing sign for a couple of days, dear Taurus. You are seeing the other side of a story now.

It’s a fine time of the month for gaining perspective, and a Mercury-Neptune reinforces this. Combining the practical and imaginative comes naturally to you right now.

Particularly as the day advances, you gravitate towards peaceful and calming situations and conversations. Your more easygoing and likable qualities are in the spotlight.

Your advice or insight is appreciated, or you can inspire or be inspired by friends and connections. The excitement of a budding project can also fill you with enthusiasm. We’re also approaching a Full Moon, and emotions tend to intensify.

Today’s Quote: “The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence; the past is a place of learning, not a place of living.”

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 4, 8, 12, 15, 16, 44

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

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