This is a lousy time to have a debt hanging over your head. If you owe money to other people, it would be wise to pay them off or start thinking of ways to do so before you reach a deadline of any kind. There is too much pressure in your relation to finances and it makes you nervous when you feel dependent of others.

Keep your mind clear and your emotional world as protected as possible. Insults and negative statements need to find their place outside of your world.

Your sensitivity to the feelings of others is a mixed blessing today. Your willingness to understand someone else’s point of view seems like a positive gesture, but putting your emotional intuition ahead of everything else can lead you astray.

There’s no reason to withdraw completely; but you don’t need to be more entangled in a major drama that’s not your business. Steve Maraboli wrote, “Be careful; not all are what they seem. Some people pretend to be by the beach, but they’re actually in quicksand.”

Having the Moon in your relationship sector as Venus moves into her final days in retrograde motion is more auspicious than it might sound. This was always going to create an auspicious and serendipitous few days for friendship and relationship building.

Yet it’s all about timing and not just because the doors are open to the past and second chances. This comes when there are some very healing and cathartic influences in play.

Lucky Numbers
15, 17, 18, 25, 35, 40

Daily Compatibility

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