You think you’re doing everything right today, so you can’t understand why you still feel like an outsider.

Unfortunately, overcompensating doesn’t seem to change the dynamics; being extra nice only makes others suspicious of your motives.

Attempting to outsmart the cosmic energy won’t help you fit in now and could zap your confidence in the process.

Remain consistently true to yourself in all social interactions. Authenticity will win you fans sooner than you expect.

You have a lot less patience than you usually do. Be careful not to step on someone’s toes only to realize that your future is depending on them.

It is up to you to determine the importance of certain individuals in your life and see their place for what it is.

All in all, this can be a truly productive day when you’ll have a chance to work on things that make you happy.

Your energy levels will rise and you will finally feel like yourself again.

Having already spent three weeks in Taurus, to have Mercury in a nostalgic part of your chart, a rare chance to not just return to the drawing board, but back right up.

When Mercury eventually returns to Taurus next month it will be with a huge amount of hindsight to draw on.

Now, in the early days of your birthday month you have the benefit of having one eye on the road ahead and another on the rear view mirror.

Lucky Numbers
9, 12, 28, 29, 35, 37

Daily Compatibility

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