Today’s New Moon nudges you towards a new beginning or path on a career or reputation level, dear Taurus.

This is always a good time for starting fresh and taking charge of your responsibilities, and this year, you can have more backing or support for these efforts than usual.

It’s time for pursuing new or redefined goals related to your life path. You get a motivating blast of energy for taking charge of your career. The desire (or need) to fulfill your responsibilities is active now.

You’re clearer about putting something behind you so that you can move forward lighter and stronger. In the coming week, you might begin a new business project or draw up new long-term plans.

Don’t be surprised if job offers come your way. While you may feel pressured by others now, and it’s certainly the time of year for paying attention to outside markers, don’t forget to listen to your own heart.

When you stand in the spotlight, shadows are cast. The more the public sees you, the closer the scrutiny gets. This intensity could be uncomfortable if you are hiding something you don’t want anyone to see.

It is even more unsettling if you are not aware that you are hiding anything.

The electric New Moon in Aquarius destabilizes your 10th House of Public Image, encouraging you to take some cues from the unwanted attention you are receiving and see if you are keeping secrets, even from yourself. The best defense is a solid offense.

There is something incongruent about Venus’ first full day in an adventurous part of your chart and today’s New Moon in your career sector.

This creates a conflict between the two or at the very least some competition. Yet for the first time in two years today’s solar eclipse is not a solar eclipse and it doesn’t come with the professional pressure or work/life balance tension this has created in the past.

This is a win/win for you, you are able to learn from the work/life balance lessons of the past, while putting what you’ve learned into practice.

Today’s Quote: “I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”

Lucky Numbers: 6, 22, 24, 45, 46, 47

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

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