With Pluto prominent and in minor but challenging aspects today, dear Taurus, there can be some tendency to worry or dwell on problem areas. Of course, being aware of this propensity can help you take steps to avoid going overboard with it.

On the plus side, you can certainly take a few notes if you find yourself tense out of the blue – those things you’ve buried haven’t gone away, and this is a sign that you should probably deal with them! However, try not to do so under pressure to get everything handled – take things one step at a time for best results.

Tensions can have their root in frustrations over differences in core values and beliefs. People around you are not likely to budge – the tendency is to cling to one’s position almost fearfully now, so take a step back and work on your attachments to beliefs, methods, and cultures or traditions.

Some super transits can help pull you out of negative thinking. Work, health, and home life can be areas of growth, hard but enjoyable work, and good prospects. As well, personal opportunities are in the pipeline with Venus and Mars about to meet in a sextile.

In fact, today and tomorrow are quite excellent for personal attraction and enjoyment of creative or romantic opportunities.

Setting your priorities can be tricky business today because you’re unwilling to make plans until you get a nagging feeling off your chest.

Your current emotional unrest is exacerbated by tomorrow’s Full Moon, making it impossible for you to remain silent any longer.

If you have something controversial to say, choose your words carefully so you don’t stir up unnecessary conflict.

Theodore Roosevelt said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.”

In his last full day in retrograde motion in your work sector Jupiter has come to a complete stop. Despite a direct turn tomorrow Jupiter will remain stuck for several more days, bringing work and job matters to a halt.

However, this is the kind of halt required in order to execute a U turn. This buys you time to stay in the moment and in this final day in retrograde motion to spend time looking back through the rear view mirror. You’ll have to wait another 12 years to get this chance again.

Daily Numbers

5, 15, 26, 33, 36, 40

Daily Compatibility


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