The coming weeks bring new energy to your love life, dear Taurus, with yesterday’s New Moon clearing the slate as well as a Venus transit of your romance and creativity sector until October 14th.

This is an excellent time for romance, dating, hobbies, self-expression, and sharing fun times with others. Your appeal is building. You not only share your affection more freely, but you also receive love and compliments more confidently.

Mars is also in this sector, and especially as Venus and Mars build to a conjunction until the first week of October, you are powerfully creative and ready to make something exciting.

Today, however, your desire for appreciation and admiration from others is so strong that it leaves you vulnerable to manipulation. Watch for repeating old patterns in relationships today.

You need to breathe new life into your creative work and your relationships now for best results.

You won’t alter your long-term goals for the sake of convenience today. Nevertheless, you might need to make some adjustments to your calendar to manage the changing circumstances at work.

You aren’t happy about the current situation, but you’re willing to graciously adapt as long as you can keep your original destination in mind.

Dr. Ahmed Mostafa wrote, “Without purpose, we’re zombies aimlessly roaming the earth.”

The Sun and Moon are involved in the ultimate balancing act between work and play today. Yet while they are on different sides of the fences, they are both looking out for the other.

You have the Moon in your work sector during the Sun’s last full day in your romantic and creative sector, but both sides are surprisingly understanding.

The Moon has come from Wednesday’s playful and romantically charged New Moon, while the Sun needs the Moon’s intuitive read on work and job matters ahead of its return tomorrow.

Lucky Numbers

25, 27, 30, 31, 39, 44

Daily Compatibility


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