Deep in your heart, you can feel that it’s time to make a change in your love life. You’re about to say goodbye to something or someone. It could be that you simply want to part with a problematic paradigm, a relationship routine, if you will.

It could also mean you’re ready to take a brand new path that doesn’t include your current love.

Don’t make any big moves today: There is potential that you will receive a missive that causes you to question yourself again. Call up your smartest and most trustworthy friend and see what they have to say. Soon there will be clarity.

You could feel reluctant to share ideas or possibly future visions with the one you love at this time. But the truth is, it really is a case of ‘better out than in’ where these are concerned.

Your willingness to open up or ‘fess up to the one you love makes clear the trust that you have in them. Nothing strengthens a relationship more than that. So, open up, and don’t hold back.

Do you know how to just relax with your partner at home and still manage to enjoy yourself just as much as if you were to go out and do something fun? Is it easy or hard for you to be in stillness with your lover?

These are all good questions to contemplate on as the Moon is in Leo and in your 4th house today. It is crucial that you feel like you can spend time with your partner where you aren’t “doing” so much as you are just being with one another.

One indicator that you are genuinely close to someone and have a solid connection is being able to be with them without needing distractions or needing to converse all the time.

This would be a great time to practice spending time with your partner at home, maybe you can cook dinner for them and just cuddle. Allow yourself to experience pleasure doing those simple yet meaningful things.

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