If you are alone at the moment, be prepared to get many signs of attention from the opposite sex, but be sure to carefully sift out your wooers.
Save yourself the controversy caused by your reluctance to acknowledge the mistakes you are required to correct. You are emotional but at the same time stable.
During this period, you are filled with patience and peace. Analyzing the behavior of the people who oppose you and your own too will only bring you benefits.
It may be a good idea to settle down with some travel brochures and plan break somewhere exotic.
You situation really isn’t that bad, it’s just your fear of tackling it so go ahead with confidence, and all will resolve itself in the end.
While it is true that you do need to think clearly about how to achieve your goals and plans, only your heart can tell you what those really are. Be moderate in your words to the people you love.
It appears that your desire to do good in the world gets a boost when a romantic interest chooses to participate in some random acts of kindness with you today.
This person will seem far more attractive the moment they get on board with an activity that positively affects you, such as charitable work or activism.
By collaborating with the one you love on something that moves you to the core, you open your love connection to greater depth and mutual respect.
The Moon’s influence in farsighted Sagittarius could encourage you to view affairs of the heart with a deeper and more profound understanding.
This bodes well for understanding the healthy position you’re in within your love life as you gain a clearer understanding about balancing ‘give’ and ‘take’ in a special connection.