If you’ve been swimming in a shallow dating pond, you’ll be ready to ditch superficial relationships for ones that offer you much more depth.

While every kind of romantic interaction has had its benefits and inherent lessons, you now feel that anything surface level will no longer cut it.

Consider what has changed: Is it your outlook on love, or is it your outlook on yourself? Embrace this turning of the tides, for it could completely change the game for you.

With the Moon influencing partnerships and commitments, sweetness and tenderness in a love connection could turn into something more intense or desirous.

Your heart could want to go extra-deep, physically, or intimately. Might one lucky person see a side to you that you either conceal or they don’t see often – or often enough?

The Moon is in Scorpio and in your 7th house of committed partnerships, but it is also squaring Jupiter in your 10th house. Having a common project that your work towards with your romantic partner, generally creates a much healthier and successful relationship dynamic.

This is because this allows you to pursue something that calls you and not feeling like it is at odds with your romantic life but rather compliments it. This also gives you something to connect with your partner through.

So many relationships don’t succeed because the people involved don’t feel like they can relate to their partner on a bigger level, one that extends outside of the personal relationship.

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