Love can complicate your world today, particularly if you think you have to act quickly or lose your big chance with someone you adore.
Luckily, you will pay close attention to your emotions if you plan to take any action within your current romantic connection.
If you’re facing a big decision at this time, creating a list of priorities will help clarify what’s in your heart and help you stay grounded during trying moments within your love relationship right now.
Honesty could take the form of bluntness where an exchange in your emotional world or with a loved one is concerned.
However, it’s a case of ‘better out than in’ regarding thoughts and feelings you’ve concealed.
Even if you feel you’ve labored a point unnecessarily, you can trust someone close understands your reasons for doing so, even if the point is released as an emotional avalanche. What matters is, someone knows what you truly think and feel.
The Moon is still in Capricorn and in your 9th house, however today it is also opposing Venus in Scorpio in your 3rd house.
This planetary configuration is highlighting the importance of sharing common/similar spiritual and philosophical/life views as your partner.
Having that be a foundation for your partnership, generally allows it to last longer and fulfill you on many levels bedsides the physical and emotional ones.
Obviously we will never agree 100 percent on everything with another human being, it is natural to have different beliefs and opinions than your partner.
What matters the most is that you have the sense that you and your partner can discuss things openly and diplomatically, sharing one another’s opinions without getting upset that their’s are different to yours.