If you feel a strong desire to do something selfless, then there could be a sweet knock-on effect to your love life by doing so.

Contributing to others’ worlds enhances your feelings of emotional security. If you can involve a loved one or potential sweetheart with your plans, then even better.

Your combined ideas and efforts could set the scene for something to flourish or strengthen between you.

Although you’ve got a huge heart and tend to jump into action when someone you love has a problem you can help with, it’s possible that your copious generosity could backfire today.

Someone with less than stellar motives may be trying to take advantage of you, and unless you open your eyes, you could be stunned by the betrayal.

Fortify your boundaries and make sure to ask more questions than usual right now. Take off your rose-colored glasses, especially if you don’t want to be blindsided by a romantic renegade.

The Moon is in Cancer and in your 3rd house of communication, it is also squaring the Sun in your 6th house. This configuration is emphasizing the importance of tending to the day to day aspects that go into building a healthy and successful romantic partnership.

While it is important to have a mental connection with your lover and have the ability to discuss different ideas and concepts with them, it is just as crucial to be invested in the more material and practical dimensions of your partnership, like dedicating a time of the day where you do something with your partner with total presence.

Also, make sure that you are putting the energy and effort necessary into making your romantic relationships work.

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