Oh, to be you right now! There’s so much fun potential in your love life that you don’t know where to start you’re spoiled for choice today!

But you also may be so focused on exciting matters of the heart that someone at work is starting to notice the glazed look in your eye the look of love.

Meanwhile, if you’re in a long-term partnership, this is your day to be attentive and nurturing to your passionate paramour.

Spend time taking care of them, but don’t neglect your own emotional needs in the process. A little rest and relaxation at the end of the day will serve you and your limited energy well.

Tension between you and someone close could dissipate quickly with a little bit of effort. Whether this involves a love connection or close friend, don’t dwell upon what caused an issue.

Focus instead on taking the initiative to nip it in the bud and put it behind you. Invitations on the social scene look set to increase shortly too, so try to make yourself available and ready for them.

Do you have an easy time compromising in your romantic partnerships? How much do you allow yourself to bring yourself in relationships and how much do you allow them to do the same?

These are relevant questions to think about today the Moon is in Scorpio and in your 7th house.

A large pillar that determines whether a relationship is healthy or successful is having a strong element of reciprocity and mutuality.

This doesn’t mean having a “tit-for-tat” mentality, where you are only doing something because you want or expect something in return.

No, it means that both you and your lover and willing to bring yourselves as fully as you can in relation to one another and being present in the true sense of the world.

If you feel like that is something lacking in your partnerships, get curious about how you can shift that.



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