What’s happening in your public or professional life could really get in the way of your romantic situation today. Although focusing hard on your goals is usually a good thing, right now it could severely limit your potential in other important areas of your life, like your relationships.

Your partner may confront you and claim that you’ve been neglecting them, and this could be a tough fact for you to swallow. In the end, you’re not meant to pick one or the other — it’s about making room for everything, but with balance.

A romantic or relationship hurdle or setback could be seen exaggeratedly now. This might mean you see it in an unfair or a deceptive light, too.

But don’t believe passionate progress with someone special has been thwarted because of this. On the contrary, your positive spirit and hope in your heart can soon revive or restore your confidence!

The Moon is in Aquarius and in your 10th house, however it is also squaring Uranus in your 1st house.

Notice that the more you learn to be centered within your self, the more successful your romantic partnerships end up being and therefore serve as a good example for the world of what a healthy and fulfilling relationship can look like.

It is so important that you take care of your emotional and personal needs just as you do those of your lovers.

So often we can get consumed by the other that we end up feeling empty and resentful. Practice doing things that fill you up and nourish your soul so that you and your partner may be able to do the work out there in the world.

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