Intense feelings could find their way into a romantic or relationship conversation now. If you’re single, then a friendship may lose its platonic qualities pretty quickly!

But whether you’re single or attached, you have options surrounding ways that any sensitive chat can go. But you’d be wise to prepare for them going deep!

Even though you believe you are good at anticipating what’s ahead, the New Moon Solar Eclipse may throw you for a cosmic loop today.

Certain money-related concerns related to your love relationship are on your mind: Consider this a smart moment to have a conversation with your mate about your current situation.

If you already know you need to discuss your finances, don’t put the conversation off any longer. Once you get clear on where you stand, the mood between you will lighten up, in the best way possible.

The New Moon is in Sag and in your 8th house, however it is also squaring Neptune in your 11th house. This is highlighting how having friendship be a foundation of your romantic partnership helps allow the relationship to be more solid and trustworthy.

People underestimate the importance of having a friendship with their significant other, however, if you wouldn’t be friends with someone for who they are, why would you be partners with them for the long term?

Sharing that connection with your partner allows you to feel more secure and safe within the relationship which in turn permits you to achieve greater depth and intimacy with them.

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