As you look at more ambitious goals for a special love relationship, you may start wondering if your motives are true-blue at this time.

You may be trying so hard to push for a specific result that you could inadvertently sabotage your current romantic connection with your complicated angles.

The Virgo Moon asks you to be as ardent about your inner work as you are about what goes on around you right now, because taking care of matters love and romance with conscientiousness and honesty is crucial today. Follow your heart and it will lead you to joy.

Certain romantic or relationship plans that may have been put on a back burner or delayed due to you feeling uncertain about effort or commitment required on your part could appear more tantalizing now.

It doesn’t matter if you’re thinking short-term rather than gazing wistfully into the future. Where matters of the heart are concerned, you’re right to believe that something needs to be seized or consolidated here and now.

Social gatherings could be pleasantly intense – a casual conversation with someone about something trivial could become quite deep, because you feel that there is more between you than meets the eye, and there probably is!

You cannot guess what someone is thinking, so you will just need to be patient and wait until you get a clearer perspective. Beware of the untrustworthy people you have provoked with your actions and your obsession with greatness that often hurts you.

Chasing you is a feeling of discontent, which is a cause of irritability and a tendency to quarrel. Do not invest your time if you have not considered your goals well. Tensions around you can intensify if you believe in unpleasant news fabricated by your enemies.

Refrain from unadvised and risky trips. A long-held wish or desire, or a certain goal you have in mind really needs to break out and be free. Be careful not to hurt someone and do not impose your opinion.

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