Although your significant other may not be totally thrilled with what you have to say today, you’re determined to speak your piece and unburden yourself of something that’s been weighing on you lately.

It’s in your romantic relationship’s best interest to have everything out in the open, even if the revelations you discover are initially awkward or uncomfortable to accept.

Luckily, you are in for the long haul and know that being honest yet kind is the best way forward in any love connection.

A romantic or relationship issue that might have been preoccupying your thoughts could vanish as information arrives that offers a delightful confidence boost.

This could have as much to do with what you’re finally able to release yourself and move on from as it does a heartwarming development that lifts your spirits. One concern or worry looks set to finally become a thing of the past!

The Moon remains in Aries and in your 12th house, however it is also squaring Venus in your 3rd house of communication.

This planetary configuration is highlighting that while it is important to share the more private and hidden parts of yourself with your partner and be in be in open communication about them, it is also important to be able to talk about other things.

For example, common mental pursuits and interests, it doesn’t always have to be all so “serious” and “deep”.

It is healthy and even necessary to be able to talk to your partner about most things, even the ones you would consider little or insignificant.

It is good to make sure that you and your partner have clear/open communication and mental resonance with one another.

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