You may encounter a boundary in your love relationship that you weren’t aware was there before today.

You will likely cross this line while your key planet Venus dukes it out with fateful Saturn, but soon you and your sweetheart will be talking things through as never before.

Consider that even negative moments in your romantic world can teach you something and give you opportunities for growth.

Disagreeing with a loved one creates a stalemate and puts a solid block in the way of romantic or relationship progress. That’s why it’s important you consider your reasons for standing your ground.

If you’re doing so because you don’t want to risk appearing foolish by agreeing to something and wish later that you had more facts available, then do some digging or probing.

What a loved one wants you on board with benefits both of you. Get the information you need and see how you feel once you have it.

Are you wiling to do the necessary work that a relationship requires in order to actually thrive and succeed? The Moon is still in Libra and in your 6th house.

People quite often want relationships to be easy and go smoothly without actually having the willingness to put any real effort into making things work.

Your romantic life, just like any other area of your life requires that you dedicate your time, energy and love to it.

It is the way that you interact with your partner in your daily life, that establishes the long term nature of your partnership with them.

This is a great time to reflect on whether you can afford to devote more of your self to doing the practices that allow you to have a fulfilling and happy relationship.

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