Sometimes, we choose to wear uncomfortable facades for fear of not meeting a lover’s expectations, or perhaps we worry that by having radically different opinions, we might upset the delicate harmony in our relationships.
If this sounds familiar, you may need to do some soul-searching about a current love connection. Be honest about the power dynamic between you and your mate is it fair and balanced?
Trusting your fervent truth is the most wonderful Valentine’s gift you could give yourself today. Have faith in your heart’s intuition — it knows what it’s doing.
Knowing where ‘enough’ has become ‘enough’ could push you to break tired or tedious romantic or relationship routines. But you’re also right to believe future personal goals will remain in the distance if certain comfort zones remain in place.
The changes you’re encouraged to bring now are bold and potentially far-reaching. But don’t let them daunt you. Let them inspire you.
What are the things that you keep hidden from your partner? More importantly, ask yourself why it is that you hide those things from them? These are all relevant questions to contemplate today as the Moon is in Aries and in your 12th house.
It is so common and natural that we feel scared or uncomfortable sharing certain things with our lovers. We have been conditioned that we shouldn’t share specific things with our partners because otherwise they may leave us or judge us.
This mentality doesn’t allow true connection and intimacy to occur in a relationship as those partnerships are based on trust and transparency.
This is a great time to practice being more vulnerable with your partner and share those aspects of yourself that you generally hide in the name of bringing you closer to one another.