When it feels like the love you want is out of reach, remember the powerful impact of your perspective. When you dwell on what you don’t have, you dry up paths of romantic opportunity.

Instead, sit back and picture yourself in the relationship or love scenario you desire most. Feel it in your heart and put that feeling out to the world.

By focusing your attention on hope and happiness, you will reopen the channels of love. If you’re feeling content in your romantic situation, though, be sure to practice loving acts today. It’s easy to take your partner for granted in the day-to-day; break that pattern now.

Whether you’re single or attached, you could be aware of how strengths balance weaknesses in a special or budding connection. What you lack, someone could make up for wonderfully and vice versa.

Allow yourself to be drawn to the balance and positivity that you and somebody offer each other. But if you’re a single Bull considering embarking upon a love connection with somebody you work with, then tread carefully.

The Moon is in Libra and in your 6th house today, however it is also squaring Jupiter in your 9th house.

This planetary configuration is reminding you that while yes, it is important to take care of the day to day aspects that are necessary to tend to in order to have a healthy, working relationship, it is also just as important to take care of the “higher” dimensions of your partnership.

By higher, one means the more cosmic and spiritual parts of it. It is important that you feel you and your lover have a connection that goes beyond the material, emotional and mental level, as that allows the foundation of your connection to be rooted in something much deeper and less temporary.

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