If you’ve been laser-focused on your professional ambitions lately, you’re also aware of what you’ve had to set aside in order to realize these goals.

The good news is, you’re currently motivated to put equal time and effort into matters of the heart, particularly if you’re eager to build a strong foundation of trust and understanding with someone you’re involved with.

Examine your love connection for any issues that require your attention right now, because you’ll want to deal with those first rather than discover them in the future. Good planning helps dreams come true!

Matters of the heart can be balanced by being your authentic self now. The proactive energy you’ve applied to making passionate progress can be scaled down to make something feel less urgent or time-sensitive between you and someone close, too.

Your exchanges and interactions can be underpinned by you being your true blue self. That’s bound to feel more comfortable.

The Moon is in Libra and in your 6th house today, however it is also squaring Pluto in your 9th house.

This planetary configuration is reminding you that while yes, it is important to take care of the day to day aspects that are necessary to tend to in order to have a healthy, working relationship, it is also just as important to take care of the “higher” dimensions of your partnership.

By higher, one means the more cosmic and spiritual parts of it. It is important that you feel you and your lover have a connection that goes beyond the material, emotional and mental level, as that allows the foundation of your connection to be rooted in something much deeper and less temporary.

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