When your financial status starts messing with your love life (even if your fears are all in your head), it can spoil the authenticity of romance.

You might worry that someone you’re involved with is seeing dollar signs instead of feeling love; or perhaps you’re ga-ga over someone who’s in a financially better position than you are, and you worry that you’re not good enough for them.

These biases and faulty perceptions could be robbing you of something extraordinary. You owe it to yourself to embrace relationships where the only real currency is kindness and connection.

A New Moon Solar Eclipse intensifies financial realms and could help you come up with a couple of brilliant ideas to inject cash flow into your emotional world or a special bond.

You’re unlikely to break the bank or be in any way irresponsible with your moolah. But the abundance you’re able to bring to a romantic connection could pay dividends in the future, financially and emotionally.

The Moon is in Gemini and in your 2nd house today, however it is also squaring Neptune in your 11th house.

This is emphasizing the importance of sharing common values, on a fundamental level, with your partner in order to have a sense of true closeness and friendship with one another. It is also very natural that you will always have certain values, even if small ones, that you disagree on with another person.

In order to have a safe space for differences to coexist between you and your lover, it is necessary to have some level of friendship be a foundation of your relationship.

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