All the work you’ve put into an important love relationship is finally coming into fruition now. Whether you’re seeing a positive trend in your romantic interactions, finances, or simple, everyday communications, your most important love connection is getting a big boost today.

Watch out for momentary confusion in an otherwise positive conversation by double checking your assumptions and focusing on facts.

There’s a chance you’ll be so enamored by matters of the heart, your head could end up in the clouds for a good chunk of the day. Have fun, but don’t trip!

Try to balance any essential ‘you time’ with the need to interact with others. If you’re single, then don’t succumb to further delays or procrastination regarding contacting a certain person.

If you’re attached, then even if a passionate plan can’t unfold in ways you and your sweetheart would like it to, it is possible to have fun adapting and improvising!

What are the things that you value most in romantic and intimate partnerships? Do you have those things in your current relationships? Do you choose partners that are in alignment with those things? The Moon is in Gemini and in your 2nd house today.

This is a great time for you to reflect on all those questions and themes. It is fundamental that the people we choose to be in committed connection with have similar values to ours, otherwise, the relationship is not bringing us into further and truer alignment with ourselves and what we wish to create in our lives.

At the same time, how can you learn to have your values not be too rigid and be able to make room for your partner’s values as well?

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