As you grapple with a challenging relationship situation in your love life today, you may find it difficult to access your usual level of creativity.
One minute it’s there, the next, it’s gone. It’s as if all of your mental activity is siphoning your imagination while you focus on the changes taking place in your romantic world.
Don’t stay on the surface of your feelings and don’t stop your search for answers: What you need is a veritable deep dive into your subconscious self, which currently holds the key to your romantic mystery.
Emotions or passions could blur a romantic issue and make it appear unnecessarily complex. Instead of replaying it over and over in your mind, why not convey what you think or feel creatively or imaginatively?
Replacing words with something that can capture the imagination of a loved one and, better still, make them smile could be a far better option than engaging in a humdrum conversation.
When the time comes to speak, you’ll have done a superb job of diffusing any potential tension.
The Moon is still in Aries today and in your 12th house however it is also squaring Pluto in your 9th house.
This configuration is highlighting the importance of having your romantic partnerships have a spiritual or even intellectual aspect to them.
This allows you and your partner to connect on so many more levels than just the physical and emotional ones.
When your relationship is something that provides your life with higher meaning and is a source of fulfillment, it enables you to much more easily be able to work through any negative or unpleasant feelings you have about your partnership.