The Moon is still in Aquarius and in your 10th house. How can you allow your romantic relationship to be an example for others of what an ideal relationship looks like?

When I say an ideal relationship, I mean one that is built on honesty, one where both partners feel permission to be themselves totally and completely while constantly challenging one another to grow.

You might think my relationship isn’t something to be “displayed” or showed off to the outside world, but we could all use more examples of successful relationships. Therefore sharing that with the word from a place of positive intention would truly be a gift to everyone. Let that love between you and your lover shine onto everyone.

You want to be a positive presence for a love interest right now, but you may also feel as if you’re being pulled in two different directions. One on hand, you’re motivated to get through your workday with all of your tasks completed.

On the other, your imaginative visions of love remind you that someone special in your world is ready and willing to explore new romantic adventures with you, pronto!

Choosing romance over your other responsibilities may not be an option, at least not until later in the day. However, if you focus, you may be able to have the best of both worlds today.

A fine line could exist between passion and obsession at this time. If you allow both to mix with impulsiveness, then emotions could run high.

Passion on your part could lead to something that could, in time, become obsessive. As long as impulsiveness is kept at bay, then other areas should be more manageable. Resist any action you know to be urged on by impatience.

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