Have you been hiding your true self under a facade of your own making? Have you recently felt an urge to finally embrace your passionate power?
You’re the recipient of major cosmic support today as you begin to share who you really are with someone who is, or could soon become, a major romantic interest in your life.
It may be uncomfortable stepping into a role that once seemed alien to you, but by golly, you’re done hiding who you are. Make your true self known, and watch your romantic world blossom.
If there’s something you’ve waited to say to a lover or potential sweetheart, then words could emerge now or shortly. It wouldn’t hurt to do some mental preparation, either.
If you discover the one you love isn’t as receptive to your verbal offering as you thought they’d be, then slow things down but keep going. Imparting what’s on your mind or in your heart must be a priority – now and always.
Today is the perfect day for you to communicate those feelings that you generally don’t feel comfortable sharing with your partner. The Moon is in Aries and in your 12th house.
True connection is not possible if you are not willing to share your “darker” secrets with your partner. We generally think that if we were to express certain things that we would scare our partners away, but the reality is, if that is a relationship worth keeping, it will actually only bring you closer.
How can you develop an agreement with your partner where you promise to be transparent and honest with one another while holding safe space for each other?