The universe appears keen to boost your feel-good factor and make your emotional world a warm, safe haven. But if having love and intimacy on the mind causes you to take your eye off responsibilities in other areas, then problems await.

Keeping distractions to a minimum means you can indulge in sensual pleasures guilt-free later!

Is there such a thing as too much romantic confidence? Yes, there most certainly is, and if your over-the-top, ego-based certitude that romance is going to go your way today doesn’t trip you up sooner, it will later.

You may end up putting your foot in your mouth, or you could wind up turning off a sweetheart with your impulsivity.

Take this opportunity to dial back your unbridled enthusiasm because it’s working against you right now. When it comes to love, a dose of emotional control could make or break your day.

Do you know how to just relax with your partner at home and still manage to enjoy yourself just as much as if you were to go out and do something fun? Is it easy or hard for you to be in stillness with your lover?

These are all good questions to contemplate on as the Moon is in Leo and in your 4th house today. It is crucial that you feel like you can spend time with your partner where you aren’t “doing” so much as you are just being with one another.

One indicator that you are genuinely close to someone and have a solid connection is being able to be with them without needing distractions or needing to converse all the time.

This would be a great time to practice spending time with your partner at home, maybe you can cook dinner for them and just cuddle. Allow yourself to experience pleasure doing those simple yet meaningful things.

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