If it’s been quiet between you and someone you love for far too long, you’ll be able to easily make a connection today. You’ve been working so hard lately that it may have been difficult to make time for matters of the heart, but on this day, you’ll have one of the best conversations you’ve had in a long time.

Love will be present, whether you make the connection in person or face-to-face, using technology. The mood between you will be bright and you will want to do it again really soon. If there’s anything to heal, you will be able to do it beautifully now.

Try to push aside a fear of the unknown when it comes to romantic or relationship progress now. You could have umpteen reasons for playing it safe or bettering a particular ‘devil’ you know.

But will a change or step you’re considering be as dramatic as you believe it will? If your heart urges you to take a risk, then trust that it’s not leading you astray.

The Moon is in Pisces and in your 11th house, but it is also squaring Mercury in your 2nd house. This is reminding you that in order for friendship to be the foundation or at least one of the foundations of your romantic partnership, it is necessary that both you and your partner she common values.

This is generally something that most people tend to surpass. They meet someone, fall in love and dive into relationship with them. These connections don’t generally last very long, because often what ends up happening is that those involved end up discovering that they don’t necessarily value the same things, making it difficult to pursue a life with them.

So make sure that just as you wouldn’t be friends with someone if what they held dear in their life wasn’t in alignment with what you do, that you would do the same thing with a romantic partner.

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