Try not to become preoccupied with a romantic or relationship issue. What you need is a distraction. If you can focus your mind on something inspiring, then you’ll have found an ideal way to free yourself from the recurring matter.

See what you can do about blending imagination and creativity. That could provide the perfect outlet to express what you feel.

As you see a new romantic path opening up in front of you, you might wonder if you should take it now. Listen to your heart, because it’s likely you’ll hear a big, resounding YES! However, you don’t have to rush through your experiences; in fact, a slow and steady pace will ensure that you take full advantage of your passionate adventure.

If you’re still unsure of whether to take a chance on a blossoming romance, check with your most loyal friend, the one who knows you best: Their advice will be invaluable to you at this critical moment.

Do you feel that your romantic partnerships bring you closer to your values? Does your partner have values that are in alignment with yours? These are necessary questions to reflect on today as the Moon is in Gemini and in your 2nd house.

It happens a lot that people end up in relationships that are not necessarily bringing them close to what they hold dear in their lives.

Naturally, they end up being unfulfilled, resentful and those connections don’t last very long. Ask yourself how you can make sure that the partners you attract have (more or less) similar values as yours.

Of course, you will always have certain things that you disagree on, what matters the most is that those things are not fundamentals and that both you and your lover are able to respect one another despite your differences.

Beyond that, how can you learn to not be too rigid and learn to adopt different values that you may end up finding true to you?

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