You’ve got a lot to say to a special love interest today, but your loquaciousness could put off your sweetheart and emotionally overwhelm them.

Take a moment to breathe before you speak, knowing that a conscious, thoughtful delivery will help convey what’s in your heart.

Likewise, if you’re dealing with important facts, make sure you have them all before attempting a heavy conversation with the one you love.

The Moon influences intimate sharing at this time, and this could cause you to feel fired up and keen to introduce something new or previously untried. However, the flames of enthusiasm could be dampened by a loved one’s lack of interest.

Your sense of adventure could be heightened but be prepared to have to work harder than you thought you might to make your inspired vision clear to someone close.

The Moon remains in Sag and in your 8th house, however it is also squaring Neptune in your 11h house. This is highlighting how having friendship be a foundation of your romantic partnership helps allow the relationship to be more solid and trustworthy.

People underestimate he importance of having a friendship with their significant other, however if you wouldn’t be friends with someone for who they are, why would you be partners with them for the long term?

Sharing that connection with your partner allows you to feel more secure and safe within the relationship which in turn permits you to achieve greater depth and intimacy with them.

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