Start turning those dreams into reality, Taurus. This is a month for buckling down and building, as the Sun sprints through Gemini until June 21, activating your stabilizing second house.

You can make “practical magic” happen by sticking to a simple plan and prioritizing. And since Taurus is the natural ruler of the zodiac’s second house, you should be pretty comfortable doing that.

Of course, not all the planets will cooperate with your efforts to make life more predictable and profitable. June is the first full month of a MAJOR cosmic chapter that started on May 15, when disruptor Uranus moved into Taurus for the first time since 1942. This eight-year cycle, which only happens every 84 years, will be a once-in-a-lifetime visit for many Bulls—one that could send you on a massive reinvention tour.

Hosting the planet of innovation, radical change and freedom isn’t exactly a lighthearted experience, and between now and 2026, you could change everything from your appearance to your lifestyle to your career path. Resistance to progress is futile, so you might as well embrace the philosopher Heraclitus’ principle, “the only constant is change.”

It doesn’t have to happen all at once, though, and it wouldn’t hurt to use the rest of Gemini season to drop a few anchors where you can. You’ll return to those safety zones between Uranian voyages into the unknown and unfamiliar.

Lock in some security on June 13, when the year’s only Gemini new moon brings a lunar lift to your second house or work, money and daily routines. You might apply for a promotion or a new gig, start a healthy routine or use this burst of energy to clarify and tweak your goals.

Father’s Day falls on June 17, and if you’re celebrating, the nostalgic vibes could flow. The moon is in showy Leo and your emotional, domestic fourth house. Gather with loved ones and your favorite father figures, keeping the festivities intimate. A home-cooked meal, a handwritten card and a meaningful gift will give you all the warm-fuzzies.

If things are a little tense on the home front (and hey, even if they aren’t), avoid controversial topics like politics—a hot-button issue in so many families today. With peaceful Venus and combative Mars facing off in your communication sectors, one caustic comment could ignite an unnecessary firestorm.

While we don’t recommend stuffing down your true feelings or avoiding tough discussions, see if you can all agree to take a day off. And hey, you might want to read these tips in advance just to be prepared.

Once the Sun moves into Cancer on June 21, you’ll have an easier time talking about any subject, since el Sol will heat up your third house of communication and local culture. Get out and mingle in your neighborhood, catch up with friends you haven’t seen in a while, devour a few books and podcasts. Your mind is hungry for great conversation and new ideas—you might decide to sign up for a short class or attend a workshop.

The pace could slow down during the latter part of June, as dreamy Neptune and ambitious Mars turn retrograde, bringing the total retrograde planet count to five. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are already in their slowed-down cycles, giving summer a more reflective tone.

Hazy Neptune is the first to start its backspin, on June 18, reversing through your eleventh house of teamwork and technology until November 24. Neptune turns retrograde during approximately the same time each year, and in some ways, the foggy planet’s U-turn can actually help you see things with MORE clarity. If you’ve been on the fence about a friendship or collaboration, take a step back.

Codependent or “user-friendly” relationships will hold less appeal once you get a look at this person’s true colors. Remembering that their actions reflect on YOU might make you think twice about being associated with them.

Protect your tech and strengthen your passwords: With shady Neptune going awry in your digital domain, you could be susceptible to identity theft or phishing scams. Take extra precautions with all things virtual, and post conscientiously.

Make sure your online presence reflects the best version of you. Strengthen the privacy settings on those raucous vacation photos (or maybe take ’em down) and stay off unsecured networks. That “free open-source Wi-Fi hotspot” could cost you a lot more than you bargained for.

Your career has been hurtling along at warp speed since May 16, when go-getter Mars blazed into Aquarius and your tenth house of professional success—a sizzling transit that only happens every two years.

While work could be demanding, with long hours and short deadlines, the right strategic moves could pay off handsomely. Prepare to feel the blast of your office’s air conditioners or the sweltering summer sun on your back as you make those money moves all summer.

Be discerning: The red planet is here for an extended stay (until August 12), but on June 26 turns retrograde and won’t correct course until August 27. This could bring a few setbacks or extra demands you didn’t see coming. Not ALL hard work was created equal.

In fact, with stressful Mars in your prestigious tenth house, you could feel full-on tension with a boss, client or authority figure. Since this zodiac sector rules fathers, some old “dad issues” could rear up (all the more reason to wave that white flag wildly on Father’s Day).

Have you gotten obsessed with status or the end goal, and lost sight of the journey? Check out Simon Sinek’s Start with Why—it could be the perfect audiobook to listen to during a long commute or while you tackle a laborious job, like moving your office or cleaning out a cluttered supply room.

Even the relentless Bull needs a vacation, and the perfect pack-your-bags day arrives on June 28, when the Capricorn full moon beams into your ninth house of travel, expansion and new perspectives. Broaden your horizons by taking a bucket-list trip—or at least making serious plans for one!

With stern Saturn hovering one mere degree away from the moon, you might have to keep it short and sweet. But even a night away—or heck, a day trip out of city limits if that’s all you can manage—can give you enough of a reboot to keep on keepin’ on.

The ninth house rules personal growth and higher education, and you could be inspired to return to school or do some self-discovery work. From the Myers-Briggs test to the Clifton Strengths Finder to getting your astrology chart read and learn what makes you tick (besides the obvious Taurus list of beautiful things, great food and plentiful sex) and let that guide your next moves.

There’s metaphysical magic in the air today. Look beyond what’s right in front of your nose and open up to inspiring new ideas, friendships and teachings that you might otherwise miss. /by TheAstroTwins

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